The Skin Files - Part 1
Apr 24, 2022

"I’ve always gone for products based on their packaging/brand or even a price that looks good - but never really what’s been 'right' for my skin."

- Rachel Claassens, client of East Spaces

Before coming to East I was experiencing what I thought was post pill acne so I decided to make an appointment to see Taylah Teschner. After a few tests and appointments we quickly realised it wasn’t hormonal but it was all gut related, stemming from when I had severe food poisoning. In the early days of seeing Taylah I also began to realise the way that I was feeling wasn’t normal - the tiredness, tummy pain that would come and go and just generally feeling 'off'. 

I could see the affects of what was happening with my gut health show through break outs in my skin, which I had never experienced before. I began taking supplements and changed my diet majorly and there was an instant decrease in the inflammation, it wasn’t as angry but it still wasn't healing as fast as I would have liked. Taylah suggested that what I’m using topically would also have a huge impact, so I had a consultation with Gabby at East. I swapped to using Osmosis and began having regular skin treatments. This is what really sped up the process for me personally. I'd say 95% of my acne has now gone, we’re just working on my scarring. My energy levels have improved and so has my tummy pain/bloating!

I’ve always gone for products based on their packaging/brand or even a price that looks good - but never really what’s been 'right' for my skin. Osmosis has been a game changer, it’s the first time I’ve bought products that a professional has recommend for my skin. I love the cleanser, the smell is amazing and it leaves my skin feeling super clean but without that tight feeling. All of my products I use are so smooth to apply and even though I have 5 layers of serum/moisturiser on daily my face never feels product heavy. Trust me, it’s as amazing as they say!

I love that East allows me to take a small amount of time out of my week for me. I never really prioritised this for myself beforehand but now it’s a non negotiable. The girls make me feel so welcome and the quality of the service is amazing and super consistent. One thing that stands out for me is that it’s a silent space. I’ve gone for facials in the past and what you hope is a relaxing experience is more of a chatty one - personally I love the quiet and the calming playlist that’s in the background.

Rachel's Prescribed Skin Journey

Rachel was concerned about small red rash like bumps and breakouts. Her skin was quite sensitive and she hadn’t really ever had treatments or used prescribed skincare. We started her treatments off by trying to restore her barrier function as well as using home care that will also work with this goal.

Prescribed Osmosis Home Care:

Cleaner: Purify

Serums: Rescue, Stemfactor, Calm

Moisturiser: Quench

SPF: Protect

Week 1:

45min Sauna session, Personalised Skin Health Facial & LED

Week 2 + 3

45min Sauna session, Stemfactor Infusion Facial with Revita-Pen & LED

Week 4:

45min Sauna session, Vitamin A Infusion with Revita-Pen & LED 

We prescribed Osmosis Rescue, Stemfactor and Calm serums, these are incredible for restoring skin and helping with inflammation. After Rachel's 4 week skin journey we maintain her studio routine with 6 weekly facials, being either Vitamin A infusions or Personalised Skin Health rituals with Revitpen as well as fortnightly sauna and LED sessions.

Doing these treatments will help maintain her skin health and will continue to improve her skin's integrity. 

Our approach to skin is to treat the whole self, focusing on holistic healing - not harming.

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